Saturday, October 8, 2011

I am an idiot: I play WolfQuest so you don't have to!

In the words of its creators, WolfQuest is "an immersive, 3D wildlife simulation game" that "challenges players to learn about wolf ecology by living the life of a wild wolf in Yellowstone National Park." It achieves its goal, I suppose, if the wolves of Yellowstone--all five of them, counting the player--live in a dull, featureless bowl that's surrounded by invisible walls and infested with plagues of dead elk.

This game was first released in 2007, and, despite numerous attempts to improve it by adding new features and extra content, it is still as bad as it was four years ago. The latest update adds weather, a rudimentary day/night cycle, and, at last, the long-anticipated ability for your wolf to sit down. How much effort does it take to animate a wolf plonking its butt on the ground? More than you'd think, apparently, seeing as how it was only patched in a few days ago. It doesn't matter how many sitting wolves and terrible lightning effects the developers have come up with, however. WolfQuest is a terrible, terrible game, and playing it is about as much fun as sitting on a bed of rusty nails and pulling your own teeth without Novocain.

But I get ahead of myself. Let's start at the beginning of my WolfQuest: Survival of the Pack Deluxe experience.

I made myself a wolf, a male named Killmurder (Kilmurdr, actually, due to the name length restrictions), and was immediately dumped into the middle of Yellowstone according to WolfQuest.


As you can see, it is a vibrant and meticulously landscaped place. A work of digital art, really!


Dead elk began to spawn almost immediately. Being a wolf in Yellowstone appears to be a pretty sweet deal. You never have to hunt; your prey just drops dead for you!


Wandering out of the starting desert/petrified forest area brought me to the forest-forest, which, again, is extraordinarily detailed and full of character. It absolutely does not feature hundreds of identical trees all lined up into neat little groups, with no undergrowth, roots, or even rocks to be found for variety. Nope. They certainly didn't skimp on the environments in this game!


Killmurder ran into a strange wolf, one that belongs to the park's Specimen pack. Since this is WolfQuest he had no packmates around to back him up and never will ("packs" in WolfQuest are a joke; pack wolves spawn one at a time and just stand there until you approach them), and since Killmurder is a gigantic canine douchebag, I naturally roughed him up until he fled. It's a shame that I didn't get screenshots of the combat--it was so dynamic and exciting!


Actually, it wasn't. It was more boring than the turn-based combat systems of oldschool JRPGs. I pressed a button, Specimen Male pressed a button, we snarled at one another with exactly the same animation and sound effects, and then he ran away.


After I sent Specimen Male packing (hurr), I decided to try out the new sleep functionality. Nap until dusk, Killmurder!


The wolves stretch every time they wake up. The animation is pretty neat and realistic, if slow, until you realize that you can't skip it. And did I mention that it's slow?


After Killmurder finally got his sorry hide up off the ground, I examined the dusk lighting. Meh. It's nothing dramatic.


But then something dramatic did happen! This Druid wolf ran up to confront me for being on his territory, and then moments later the entire pack appeared!


Oh, sorry, what did I say? I meant, "I wandered unmolested through this male's territory until I decided to hunt him down and pick a fight, and despite belonging to a pack he was completely alone and vulnerable."



But, seriously, I know these camera angles are awful. This is because the WolfQuest camera is awful and I have not yet figured out how to control it, or even if it can be controlled.


Killmurder took another nap so that I could see how nights look.


I love unexplainable ambient lighting, don't you?


As I roamed around staring at the hills and crappy forests, I got my first taste of the new weather system. The rain didn't stay for very long, but it did stick around to watch me scale a cliff that I should not have been able to scale.


Spiderwolf, Spiderwolf--does whatever a Spiderwolf does!

I wish I'd gotten more screenshots of what happened next, because it was one massive glitch. Killmurder made his way back to the desert and onto the territory of Yellowstone's third pack, the Slough. He happened upon the "pack," which, naturally, consisted of one member: a wolf named Slough Male. He approached with murder in his eyes or at least general douchebaggery, prepared to instruct the unfortunate Slough Male in the meaning of pain.


Now, when you get into a confrontation, the opposing wolf's name tends to remain above them. Slough Male's name vanished as soon as Killmurder interacted with him, and, not only that, Killmurder had a set of new options. What the?


The goal of WolfQuest's first "episode," Amethyst Mountain, is for your wolf to find a mate that it can pack up with. In a nutshell, you spend the entire mission running from one-wolf pack to one-wolf pack and getting into fights with them because this will somehow increase your chances of finding another lone wolf to start your own little family. When you do manage to find a lone wolf of the opposite sex, you must then befriend it. Then you're done. (Yep, that's all there is to Amethyst Mountain. It's such a short and irritating mission that it feels pointless, but that's a rant separate from what happened here.)

To befriend the opposite-sex lone wolf you must be rather friendlier towards it than you are towards the pack wolves, so the game gives you a set of kinder, gentler interactions to accomplish this goal. For some reason, even though Killmurder had bumped into Slough Male and not a packless female, he had those friendlier interactions. And, for some reason, Slough Male accepted them as if he was a packless female.


Okay then, thought I. "Let's play!" said Killmurder.

Slough Male stared at him uncomprehendingly, but he still had a little heart and was still saying hello. Now Killmurder's interactions had changed again, so I picked a new one.


"Let's hang out," tried Killmurder.

Slough Male stared at him uncomprehendingly, presumably so bugged out at this point that he had no idea what to do.


"You're okay," Killmurder tried again.

"Hello there!" replied Slough Male, complete with more hearts.

"Let's play!" Killmurder suggested a second time.

"Hello there!" repeated Slough Male, and Killmurder's available interactions changed again.


"I like you," opined Killmurder, whose taste obviously runs blond, and...wait, what the?!


"I like you," agreed Slough Male, who had, in the past two seconds, somehow become Dispersal Female.


They decided to start a pack, and once they did I was given the opportunity to name Slough Male/Dispersal Female.

I called her Hedwig.


Hedwig doesn't sleep.


It turns out that she doesn't really hunt, either, because I took her to get some food the next day...


And by the time that Killmurder caught up with their breakfast she had vanished off to who knows where and left him to bring down a grown elk all by his lonesome. The elk kicked him repeatedly in the face and nearly killed him, but...


Luckily, an already-dead elk had spawned nearby! He ate it to recover his strength.


Then he went back and finished the elk off even though there was no real need to do so.


Later on I did manage to rope Hedwig into chasing an elk and a grizzly bear halfway across the map. She's a very quick runner, but utterly useless since she'll catch up to the animal being pursued, overtake it, and then not do anything to attack. The AI in this game is so very intelligent.


Here we see two things: a tree set on fire by lightning, and what I cannot stand about WolfQuest's rain. A blue tint gets applied to the world, I guess to make it appear misty, but it...tears or something...and you end up with a patchwork of normal and blue landscape that just looks horrible.


So why are we bothering to chase this elk down when there is another dead elk just lying right there?


For that matter, why are we bothering to chase down anything at all ever? (The pink trails are all elk carcasses that appeared out of nowhere. Count em.)

Once I got tired of roaming the empty and uninspired Amethyst Mountain, it was time to move on and play the second half of the game.


Slough Creek's environment is, at least, somewhat more interesting.


Hedwig and I ran around and explored for a bit, and I took several screenshots but the game arbitrarily decided not to save any of the interesting ones. How lovely! This is the only one left that is remotely worth posting, because it kind of shows the fact that elk herds can and will cross rivers that are in their way. It's a nice little touch.


They're incredibly vulnerable while in the water, so, of course, it was time for one of them to die! Hedwig was actually helpful this time, chasing after our dinner and nipping at its butt while fat, slow Killmurder stood there and caught his breath.


In all likelihood there was a pre-killed elk fifty feet away, rendering Hedwig's valiant efforts completely unnecessary.


After eating, it was time to establish a territory. I took some entertaining screenshots of the whole process, including one densite's unfortunate bear problem, but they were among the pictures that got eaten. If you manage to have any fun at all in WolfQuest, the game will know and it will penalize you for it.

I did get a screenshot of this "stranger confrontation," though. In essence, a wolf from another pack spontaneously appears on your turf and you have to drive it off. Killmurder, naturally, was up to the challenge.


Fast-forward to springtime! Or summer! Or one of those!


Killmurder and Hedwig had four puppies, who, in keeping with their father's dreadfully stupid "death" theme, were named Murderkill, Redrum, You're Dead!, and Kills You.


A bear spawned on top of Redrum, so he didn't last long. The surviving pups got to see this: a tree catching on fire while the stupid rain effects blinded me.


I didn't miss Redrum terribly; the other three were pesty enough to make up for his absence.


At least they were easy to feed, with free food scattered all over the place.


When I say there were a lot of dead elk, I mean it. Remember, each pink cloud of smoke represents one body.

After I spent about thirty minutes peeing on land to claim it and feeding the pups to get their weight up, it was time to take them and move them to a new den. I didn't have much opportunity to screenshot the whole process, as there were too many things happening at once, so here's a textual blow-by-blow:

  • Spend five minutes trying to move into a position that will allow you to pick up a pup, as the controls are incredibly stupid and don't want you to carry your own offspring around without fighting the spacebar first.
  • Set pup down again to go chase off a golden eagle that has appeared.
  • Spend an additional five minutes trying to catch another pup. Start off toward the new den, which is about sixty billion miles away.
  • Turn around to see if the other two puppies are keeping up with you. (Hint: they aren't.) Where's Hedwig?
  • Set down the pup you are carrying and run back to collect the others. Hedwig appears just as you reach them. Oh, hello, Hedwig. What are you holding?
  • Hedwig is holding the pup that you just left right where you wanted it. She sets it down and then vanishes again. Fantastic.
  • Grab a pup yet again. This time, don't run. Walk slowly so that the puppies can keep pace with you. Find out that they still can't. Mutter obscenities at them.
  • Get to the edge of a river crossing. Puppies can't swim and won't try, so you'll have to carry them to the other side one by one. Bring one across and place it safely on dry ground.
  • Stare at the message that has just appeared: Kills You is drowning! Get out of the water! Huh?
  • Turn around and see that Hedwig had decided to help you ford the river, but has grown bored halfway through and dumped Kills You in the shallows where he is apparently still in over his head. Rush over to get him. Carry him out of the river and place him safely on dry ground.
  • Watch in disbelief as Hedwig dumps another puppy in the river, this time right in the middle. Run over to save that one too. Prepare to murder the developers of this game as Hedwig then seizes Kills You and drops him back in the water.
  • You can't rescue them both. Mutter more obscenities as another message appears: Your puppy, Kills You, has died.
  • Continue on with your journey, stopping every so often to chase off that damn eagle. You are now hungry and the pups are hungry, but there is nothing to hunt and elk carcasses have mysteriously ceased to appear.
  • Along the way, Murderkill dies of unknown causes. Either he has starved, or Hedwig has taken him back to the river. You suspect the latter.
  • Since there is no longer any need to take things slowly and You're Dead! is about to starve, himself, you opt to sprint the rest of the way. Finally, you reach the new den with your one living pup in hand...err, mouth.
  • Nothing happens. You poke around the area, searching for piles of rocks or odd-looking trees, but a whole lot of nothing continues to happen. Why is this game so glitchy? Regret playing it. Wish you could have the last hour of your life back, and mourn the time that you could have spent doing anything else.
  • Notice that, instead of having one pup left, the game is now saying you've got two again. What? Dump You're Dead! where you stand and run back to look for your resurrected offspring. It could be anywhere, and in the meantime You're Dead! is still on the verge of starvation. That's just great.
  • Find Murderkill kicking his heels in the grass some distance from your summer territory. Watch in amazement as Hedwig and You're Dead! appear out of nowhere, the mission completes itself where it shouldn't, and the game ends.
  • Decide to write a blog post detailing the entire sordid experience, so that other unsuspecting people might be warned away from playing WolfQuest.

If you haven't played this game already, please don't. I would rather undergo a Blood Eagle administered by clumsy Vikings than ever touch WolfQuest again.

If you have played WolfQuest, you have my condolences. Might I offer some quality brain bleach to help get you through this painful and difficult time?


  1. Its Actually very good if you have the sense to complete it well (ie walk backwards with one pup, heading towards a carcass that is en-route, and you will find that the mate will carry the rest - IT WILL AND DOES AND IF NOT THE PUPS WILL FOLLOW SLOWLY) when the mate disappears he has gone to hunt and will feed the pups (if not use the en-route carcass thing)glitches are cool, AND THOUGH I FOUND YOUR ACCOUNT VERY ENTERTAINING, IT IS EDUCATIONAL AND SHOWS PEOPLE THAT WOLFS ARE GOOD AND WOLF LIFE IS HARD LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. some of what you say is kinda true, but again, YOUR ACCOUNT WAS VERY FUNNY LOL!! thank you for the entertainment, and although i agree with my above comments, no offence is meant lol (i love wolves, so therefore wolfquest, soz to be biased LOL!!!!)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Alas, you may not enjoy the game, and indeed it does have some problems. No game is perfect, after all, and you yourself pointed out some good problems.

    -Mate AI isn't the greatest, but if you strategize it can be very useful in some cases.

    -The rain effect has bugs, and the "fog" is rather annoying, but don't complain over petty things. Weather can be turned off.

    -Carcasses spawn very often, and make hunting feel a bit useless. Hey, would you rather have an extremely difficult game where you starve to death every time you try to play? Well, I guess you could (emphasize on could) be right. Levels of difficulty is a possibility, but again, I can overlook this. It's an educational game made by a zoo.

    -Most trees look the same, which gets boring to look at, and video games rely partially on vision. A ton of video games, though not all, have a good amount of copy-paste landscaping. While a bother, I see not how with would ruin the gameplay.

    -Stranger wolves include a lot of glitches. Well, yeah, they do, which really sucks, but that's another flaw to the game. Glitches tend to be a nuisance, as shown here, but once you get out of Amethyst you really don't need to interact with them. You can run away with no consequences, unless the glitch is overpowering, and then you need to quit. I have no big argument, as my game runs pretty smoothly and glitches (aside from ones from Lone Tree, those are the worst) aren't common. Just avoid what seem obvious and you should be fine in the long run.

    -Waking animation can't be skipped and takes too long!
    I don't see your complaint here. You sound like an impatient four year old.

    -Pack wolves might as well be loners, as they fight alone, and don't see you until you're directly ahead of them. Basically, it would be too hard to program the entire pack in with them, and the fight would be unfair. Honestly, a pack chasing you off is more realistic, but again it's a zoo game. Don't expect top quality accuracy. And about never seeing you until you're in front? Ever heard of Pokemon, hon?

    The rest of your complaints are pretty much nit-picks. You may not like this game, but I do. I get that you want to share your opinion, which is great, but then you start telling people to not play the game. Who does that? Even if the game is complete crap in your eyes, it may be diamonds in another's. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I hate Minecraft, but thousands of people love it anyways. Who am I to judge? I can explain my discontent for it, but I will not tell others to turn their noses at it. Try it out first if you want, especially if it's free (like WQ, mind you) and if you like it, play it all you want! If you don't, then don’t pay attention to it or delete it.

  5. I love wolves I love learning about them as well as other animals. I remembered I couldn't play this game as a child and I suddenly felt the need to delve into it per curiosity was a mistake.

    Saying the game is done by a zoo and that is enough to excuse its faults would mean that literally no one can have a opinion. But your article is honestly preatty spot on. I stopped playing to look up how to PLAY and found this and realized...oh I'm not bad...the game is. I reached to the point of my pups, I'm trying to take them across the lake to our rendevous point. Well...I knew my mates AI was bad but I didn't realize it was THIS BAD. I howled, and at first they were following me..great awesome this is going JUST as planned. I walk all the way to the river turn and my mate pops up right next to me. So of course are children must be here and then a predator spawns. The camera pans me ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way abck to our den I'm like ".oh grand" I run back, bite some bear arse and start traveling again. I pick up one pup, take it to the rendevuos point, glitching around water the whole while and just...stop running at points. Oh I had full stamina the game just made me ..stop ...for some reason? I drop the one off, return for the other and anotehr bear spawns, but guess glitching..I can't run. But not only does the bear get to my just...runs around them..never eats them...I guess I should be relieved but I was kind of interested to see something go wrong that wasn't just...glitchyness. I chase him a ways away but again, can't run so I just pick up the pup and start taking it back to the spot, only to realize..hey mates here...with the pup I dropped off already..goodie goodie gumdrops. She was being useful, feeding them evenn the one that was far as hell away but then she does this mother of- anyway. We're traveling again, I decide to try and move them a few spaces each (oh and don't tell me to walk backwards, thats just playing around a broken game lets be honest with ourselves we can't make a million excuses for this thing) and my mate picks up a pup. I'm thinking we're gettting somewhere...naw she drops it in the river, I see the drowning message and I'm so far away I don't even try 'welp there goes one pup' as I begin to glitch for the second time trying to walk around this mountain I have reached my limit. I give you points for finishng the game trully, glitch or not..cause I won't.

    I appreciate the deveolopers time and effort but if they wanted to TEACH people through a game...don't you think it should be remotly ..playable? The part I was most interested in was carrying the pups to the new area and maybe watching them grow..and the aspect was so glitchy that it was impossible for me to complete. A educational low budget game or not it needs to WORK for it to work. There are plenty of free games that work wonders, the idea and premise was great, the beginning wasn't so bad and the game could be really nice if they could just fix the Ai and bugs.You may say that would make the game to hard, no; it would make it slightly more challenging and thus more people would play more often. It wouldn't be difficult to program some decent Ai it just takes time and maybe a budget. If you have neither then dumb down your idea so the game works. I mean the end all be all is its a game that can't be played. A very interesting concept that I at first enjoyed but right now, gotta uninstall this guy. Appreciate the developers time and good attempt but its unplayable without playing around the game itself. I wasn't playing this game, it was playing me

  6. I just read this out of boredom, and I have to ask. Why are you insinuating a perfectly good, well made game?

  7. Now play WolfQuest3: Anniversary Addition.
